Les Deplorables
In the early 1770’s the Americans who campaigned and fought to have independence from the monarchy in England were known as deplorables… really. They were a collection of some businessmen and wives, some lawyers and politicians but mostly common laborers and farmers. They smelled, dressed frontier-raggedy and were not highly educated. They were perceived as an outrageous radical movement….to even think about cutting ties with the comfortable, protective English monarchy…the only government they had ever known. Took guts and grit to dare to imagine a government without a king…governed by the people.
It all seems so “right” to us today because we only know the benefits and outcome of this ragtag bunch of radicals who fought to create the great American experiment…where all men are created equal, no class system and everyone has a chance. Almost 250 years later we are at that crossroad again…rebelling against the powerful, controlling establishment…and seeing so many afraid to cut ties with what we’re used to. The “safe” choice no matter how corrupt. I commend the fighters, the rebels, all those who dare to overthrow those who are supposed to be experienced and “safe”, in favor of a non-politician, a regular, flawed, raw commoner. Certainly not because he is so special, but his message is.
Donald Trump will come then go, but the ideology of American exceptionalism will not. Most all of us are good patriotic citizens…both sides. But we are not socialists. We do not want to be taken care of, manipulated, lied to or preached to. We dare to dream that we can accomplish anything and welcome the personal demands of those ambitions…in fact we thrive on it. That drive is what built America into the most successful nation in the world in just over a short 100 years. Why do you think everyone wants to come here? But it’s time to turn the apple cart upside down. It’s time to honor the call of the raggedy rebels of 1776. It’s time to Make America Great Again!