Klaus Schwab is a Scary Man
by Rhonda Kanet Chambless
The most dangerous man in the world. This is reality. Klaus Schwab and his leadership believe -gather bright minds of the world and eliminate individual governments with a new world order operated under their beliefs-organize the earth to be healthier and efficient for the good of all here’s the rub: individual thought, religious beliefs, & lifestyle have no place in their world. They know best and you will be better for it. God gave us FREE WILL. The opportunity to choose your own path of right or wrong. That is the entire point of life. Klaus Schwab and his very bright cohorts denounce this basic right. They are “smarter” so they know best for your own good. Klaus Schwab is an atheist. These people are the Cabal. They have most all the power and money in the world. Democracy is their enemy. But we have the numbers. So they had to figure a way to “control” the numbers for the betterment of us all. Pay attention. It’s not too late. This is the fight between good and evil. Evil is disguised as climate control, health care for women and children around the world, population control, artificial intelligence, etc. Who wouldn’t be for those things? God intended us to make our own mistakes and learn from them. To individually choose to do good, not to dominate others in the name of good. You can choose whether to read this post or not. You decide.