Wake Up America

Wake Up America

Wake up America. Argue all we want about social issues but the house is on fire and we are bickering over the wallpaper pattern in the kitchen. The chart below is from our own Congressional Budget Office and it is a FACT. ENTITLEMENT OBLIGATIONS are choking the U.S.A. and all you have to do is travel to any EU country to see the future. For example, Sweden’s income tax rate is 65% … that’s right 65% for anyone with a decent job and sales tax is 25% for EVERYONE. Germany is no better.  And yes, healthcare and universities are free, so young people stay in college forever while working menial jobs as tour guides because the incentive to get a job is nil. Just ask them. Who wants to work for only 35% of their pay and then pay 3X as much for goods than in capitalist countries? It’s a failed, unsustainable system and the average citizen whom I’ve spoken to as I’ve traveled admits it. Why do you think Britain just exited the EU. Keep America working and earning their own way. Then we will always have plenty to help those who cannot help themselves. We have to bite the bullet and pay attention or we are all doomed to the realities of socialism.